
Highlights Season 4 – Ed Oliver

With this week's return to our series of InkleDeux interviews, AJ is joined by Ed Oliver from The Caffeine Fix. He shares how his faith has grown and developed throughout a career in media and now in his work highlighting the coolest coffee spots in Phoenix.

Highlights 3 – Kimhak From Pair Cup

This week's Highlight is with Kimhak from Pair Cupworks. Kimhak moved from the kitchen to the roaster and talks about the importance of drive, being open minded, and finding a community that will help you grow. Get your premium coffee fix from them at paircupworks.com and give them a follow on Instagram and Facebook, @pair.cupworks.

Highlights 3 – Marc and Jason From Blue Pint Society

As we kick off our third round of Highlights, we start things up right by sitting down with the guys from Blue Pint Society. At InkleDeux, we aim for meaningful conversation and delicious beverages, and these guys fit that perfectly. Working with the local brewing scene, Blue Pint Society is trying to put an end to testicular cancer. Make sure to check them out, and don't forget to sign up for Digital Beer School on September 19!

Episode 47 – Anxiety and Identity

For the first time in nearly a month, Brandon and AJ recorded a new podcast! Having launched their pop-up coffee shop, both of them are still very much processing how it went and how they prepared for it. It turns into a conversation about the tension between being content or grateful for what we have, and still wanting to strive for more and greater.


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