
Highlights 3 – Kimhak From Pair Cup

This week's Highlight is with Kimhak from Pair Cupworks. Kimhak moved from the kitchen to the roaster and talks about the importance of drive, being open minded, and finding a community that will help you grow. Get your premium coffee fix from them at paircupworks.com and give them a follow on Instagram and Facebook, @pair.cupworks.

The Blue Collar Breakdown Effects Coffee

Coffee has lost the blue collar craftsman and we all feel it. We go to the mass produced chains and the quality has suffered because they mass produce. The artisan coffee shops are unrelatable and too expensive for the common value oriented working person.

Highlights – Luana’s Coffee Yard

Our first creator is Aaron Schofield, head honcho of Luana's Coffee Yard (Facebook). I reached out to Aaron because of his Instagram. There is so much character and creativity in his little mobile coffee unit. He was very gracious to meet with us. 

The 4 C’s – Craft Beverages

Therefore, a craft beverage is something made by hand. The craftsman selected the raw material, labors over a prodcut that is unique to that individual, and joyfully shared with neibors. I should be able to look the creator in the eye and hear the love of what they do in their voice. To have a craft beverage is to have something uniquely human.


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